Clean Truck Check CARB Compliance HD I/M

CARB Clean Truck Check And Smoke Opacity Testing Mobile Service
Keep your truck running clean with our HD I/M (Heavy Duty Inspection & Maintance) Services. We Provide through emissions testing with both the lattest CARB certified computerized testing and reporting database along with any 2013 and older trucks and or equipment needing the additional smoke opacity testing availble to you anywhere. Our certified techncians will help you and certify your truck and or equipment onsite, on the road or in the shop.
Did you know Diesel Trucks opperating in California and equipment must undergo emissions compliance testing twice a year and submit to CARB. The DMV will now check that vehicles are registered with the Truck and Bus compliance regulations, vehicles that are not compliant DMV will hold registrations. Dont let this happen to you or your fleet. All American Diesel And Fleet Services Of Orange will do all the reporting and keep your truck, equipment and or fleet up to date on all CARB compliance reporting.
A smoke opacity test is an assessment designed to quantify the concentration of particulate matter and pollutants emitted from the exhaust systems of diesel vehicles.
The test is designed to reduce air pollution caused by diesel vehicles. SCHEDULE NOW